CGI Resources :

Action Chat™

Action Chat™ is a free service from

This chat applet can accommodate 25+ people per room.

Adding chat to your page is as simple copying text and inserting it somewhere in your HTML document.

The only disadvantage is that you can't turn off the ability to join other chat rooms (some of which may be adult content).

Please visit Ten-Percent for more information or examples.

Bravenet Live Chat

Put Bravenet Live Java Chat on your Website and let all your visitors interact in your own Chat Room.

Tell your friends to meet you there, and meet new people from around the world! Chat rooms are "real-time" discussions.

With Bravenet you can:
  • Form your own room.

  • Choose from various room color options.

  • Choose from various language options.

  • Visitors can change the font style and font size.

  • Surf from room to room.

  • Private chat.

  • Audio alerts.

  • Web touring (make URLs clickable).

Click here to sign up with Bravenet.



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