EchoEcho.Com :

EchoEcho.Com offers paid advertising through our agent:
Burst! Media Inc.

As an indication of the adbuyers satisfaction, EchoEcho has been selected as one out of 15 Star sites in the Burst Media Ad Network. Chosen from a list of 3100+ sites in 477 categories!

The site generates more than 1,500,000 hits per month from approximately 150,000 unique user sessions.

More than 80% of the visitors are long time return visitors.
At the same time, all content on the site is dedicated to the sole purpose of designing webpages.
This means that at least 4 out of 5 visitors are particulary dedicated to the purpose of the site: webdesign.

More than 75% of first time visitors return to the site within a week after the first visit.
This means that at least 3 out of 4 first time visitors find what they came for - to an extent that made them bookmark the site for easy future reference. (This is the highest bookmark ratio among the +130,000 sites monitored by StatMarket)

Some of our past advertisers include:

More than 60% of our hits are generated during our visitor's working hours, 9am-5pm (visitor's local time). That is: 60% of the hits are generated during 33% of the day.
This indicates that the site has a strong standing among professionals.

More than 70% of the visitors are from US, Canada, Australia and Great Britain.

CPM (Cost per 1000 ads) for targeted campaigns are as follows:

Less than 10,000 ads: $5 CPM
10,000-50,000 ads: $2.5 CPM
50,000-100,000 ads: $1.25 CPM

Click through rates vary from 15/100 to 1/200 depending on the degree of importance the ad has to the visitors.


These data were captured on the 5th of february, 2002.
The data were collected by, and are considered statistical reliable where there are 200 or more unique replys.

Which of the following groups includes your age? 518 Responses

75 +  1%
65 - 74  1%
55 - 64  3%
45 - 54  7%
35 - 44  14%
25 - 34  31%
18 - 24  30%
Under 18  12%
Prefer not to answer  1%

Are you... 487 Responses

Male  64%
Female  34%
Prefer not to answer  2%

What level of education have you completed? 482 Responses

Some HS  12%
HS Grad  8%
Some College  27%
College Grad  28%
Post-Grad Work  6%
Post-Grad Degree  16%
Prefer not to answer  3%

What is your total household income? 476 Responses

$100k +  10%
$75k - $99.9k  8%
$50k - $74.9k  13%
$35k - $49.9k  13%
$20k - $34.9k  11%
Under $20k  21%
Prefer not to answer  24%

What is your occupation? 452 Responses

Senior Management  5%
Other Management  4%
Professional  21%
Technical  24%
Sales  1%
Administrative  3%
Other Employed  5%
Homemaker/Full-time Parent  2%
Student  28%
Retired  2%
Not Employed  4%
Prefer not to answer  2%

Are you a US resident? 342 Responses

Yes  45%
No  55%

Have you bookmarked this site? 461 Responses

Yes  58%
No  42%

In a typical week, about how much time do you spend using the Internet? 445 Responses

20 + hrs.  39%
11 - 20 hrs.  17%
6 - 10 hrs.  20%
3 - 5 hrs.  12%
1 - 2 hrs.  7%
Less than 1 hr.  5%

On average, how much time do you spend on this site in a typical visit? 433 Responses

60 + mins.  15%
31 - 60 mins.  14%
21 - 30 mins.  15%
11 - 20 mins.  23%
5 - 10 mins.  18%
Less than 5 mins.  16%

How frequently do you visit this site? 442 Responses

Daily  10%
Several times/week  23%
Once/Week  13%
Several times/month  14%
Once a month  5%
Less than once a month  3%
First visit  31%

In which ways are you somehow involved in your company or organization's purchase decision for computers or related equipment? (Please check all that apply)

57 Responses

Suggest products/brands/manufacturers for consideration  49%
Determine need for product  49%
Determine capabilities/features needed  44%
Gather information on products to be considered  42%
Evaluate manufacturers or models  42%
Recommend/select specific types of products or services  35%
Recommend/select specific brands or manufacturers  37%
Evaluate where to buy products  25%
Recommend or select where to buy products  30%
Authorize/Approve the purchase  16%
Make the purchase  19%
None of the Above  26%

Do you ….? (Please check all that apply)

58 Responses

Research investment products online  28%
Research insurance products online  19%
Purchase investment products online  7%
Purchase insurance products online  7%
Maintain an online trading account  10%
Manage your personal portfolio through an online service  9%
Manage your household expenses through an online service  17%
Bank online  62%
None of the Above  24%

Note:  Due to rounding, column totals may not add to exactly 100%.


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